
New products preparing

…Bene products


Will soon be on sale at selected pharmacies and at health food stores.


Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) defines the ability to give or receive electrons. This value is measured in millivolts, because millivolt (mV) is the unit of ORP. For a proper understanding of this very important value that is to ordinary people almost unknown.



For example, common tap water has ORP only between values of +200 up to +300, that means there is not any reductive antioxidant potential. Human internal organs try to reduce ORP from +50 to -200 mV. The organism in these values would know how to function optimally, and man would live to the age of years determined by nature. 

This age we do not know yet, but we know that is about150 years and more. At the present time people live in degraded environment, that is a permanent source of substance producing formation oxygen radicals and others they produce themselves by unreasonable lifestyle: high cigarettes consumption, spirits, various medicaments and burnt fats. Oxidation represented dissociation and aging. When something oxidizes, its ORP increases, it goes into plus values. Rust is an oxidized metal. In the human body it causes oxidation, damage by free oxygen radicals, which are oxygen molecules that have lost the electron and become unstable. The free radicals existing in our body, attract the electron from one of our cells to become stable and by this way they damage the cellular DNA (cellular activity controller), in the cell division resulting formation of mutated DNA in new cell. Mutated DNA is in the next division transferred to another cell - that is the cause of many diseases and also part of the explanation why we get older. We go into the plus values - we rust.


At the present time human has created artificial antioxidants. So the substances - primarily water that has artificially obtained negative ORP. For instance ionized water, hydrogen water. Antioxidant is a substance whose molecules reduce the oxygen molecules activity - reduce the probability of their formation, or take them to a less reactive or inactive state. This way they limit the oxidation process in the body. Antioxidants consumption has a positive effect on health of the organism in which it prevents oxidation. Ionized water or hydrogen water is very unstable and it is a weak compensation on the antioxidant deficiency that the human body suffers from. The efficacy of naturally taking in natural antioxidants (for example in tea or fruit) is considerably higher than in case of same amount served up in unadulterated form as a food supplement (for example, vitamin tablet, ionized or hydrogen water). Chronic deficiency in antioxidants increases the risk of disease genesis of the vascular and immune anticancer system.


Beno products titled …..Bene are made from a basic natural mixture of vegetable oils and various herbs, adjusted by sea salt and wine extract marked JUVERIL. It is absolutely the strongest and stable natural antioxidant with staggering potential -450 mV. All products where JUVERIL is the production basis, are powerful antioxidants.


ColonBene has ORP of -50 up to -100 mV. SanoBene (elixir) of -300 up to -400 mV. PuroBene (cleaner) of -150 up to -300 mV. CremaBene (cream) of -50 up to -150 mV. DermaBene (shampoo) of -150 mV. BoccaBene (mouth spray) of -150 mV. ManoBene (foaming soap) of -150 mV. DentaBene (dental foam) of -150 mV.


Their using is internally or externally as a cream, a shampoo and also a cleaner to room cleaning, they have rejuvenating effect, they nourish the cells directly, they are antibacterial with the ability to distinguish dangerous bacteria (so for these bacteria are suitable plus values) with a substantial influence on increasing of the human immune system and on the creation of healthy environment. The properties complex of these natural products with a strong and long-lasting antioxidant effect are able to cause in human ability to resist and also overcome cancer at a high stage. It is probably a ground-breaking product that realistically be able to keep human in good health and vitality for more than 100 or 150 years.


SanoBene - 100% natural solution of precious oils, plant extracts and sea salt. It is contributive to right immune system function, it helps to keep normal blood sugar content, helps to reduce high blood pressure. Nutritional supplement for long-term taking (3-6 months). Contains processed oils with a suitable combination containing cinnamon, garlic, pine extracts…


DermaBene - Shampoo made by the original method without the addition of chemicals. Pure 100% natural product. Produced by treatment of precious plant and essential oils, woody plants roots with antibacterial effect. Its effect on skin is visible after short time of use, because it easily penetrates through the body, detoxicates it and improves the functionality of the musculoskeletal system. It also acts as a natural repellent. It does not contain any dangerous and risky substances unsuitable for human and other mammals.


BoccaBene - Mouth spray. 100% natural solution of precious oils, plant extracts and sea salt. Contains processed oils (olive, coconut, geranium, argan, linseed, peppermint essential oil) with a suitable combination containing cinnamon, garlic, pine extracts... Acts as a disinfectant on the entire oral cavity.


ManoBene - Foaming soap for treatment and disinfection of hands and the whole body. Has a positive effect on hands, skin becomes soft and smooth, regenerates almost instantly. Pure 100% natural product.


CremaBene - Cream. Pure 100% natural product. Produced by the original method of extracts from essential and vegetable oils extracts. Disinfects, cleans, nourishes, removes wrinkles. After a short time of use make the skin younger. Suitable also in case of eczema, injuries and insect bites.


DentaBene - Dental Foam. Natural 100% solution of precious oils, plant extracts and sea salt. Contains processed oils (olive, coconut, geranium, argan, linseed, peppermint essential oil) with a suitable combination containing cinnamon, garlic, pine extracts… Acts as a disinfectant on the entire oral cavity, acts against periodontitis, strengthens gums, removes dental plaque, brighten teeth.


PuroBene - Exceptional 100% natural cleaner and degreaser with especially effectivedisinfecting and antibacterial effect. It also acts as a natural repellent. Biodegradable. It is environmentally friendly. Its special composition secure surfaces activation that should be treated with nano-agents.

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